Saturday, August 04, 2007


My latest card.

My Rasmussen Card. My written part will be here later, but I thought let I post the photo now. The man at the left is Rasmussen. I think it became a very good card.

I must sit down and write, but it is too fussy to do so. And he wants to tell me a lot. You know when he was taken out of the tour, I felt how he must felt than, I felt his pain, tears, his doubt.

I felt connected with him. Apart from what happened, but just as human been. When I put my written part, it will be all more clear I guess.

Love and hugs, Rita

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Beginning.

New year, New Beginning.

Who are you?

I am the one who wants you to feel good.
I am the one who wants you to relax.
I am the one who wants you to have a wonderful 2007.

Is there anything you want me to do?

I want you to take good care of yourself.
I want you to take your dog for a nice long walk, more often.
I want you to read more alone and together with your youngest.
I want you to eat healthy.

What do you want to give me?

I want to give you a happy 2007.
I want to give a lot of love.

Is there anything else you'd like to say to me?

Write stories and poems more and more often.
Draw and paint more often.
You know you can so do it.

The part of the poem at my card is my own.

Love and hugs,


A happy new year to every one.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Unwanted by MOM

Who are you?
I am the one who hates you.
I am the one who didn't want you.
I am the one who wanted to get rid of you.
I am the one who doesn't love you.
I am the one who won't give you a happy life.
I am the one who won't give you a safe place to live.

What do you want from me?
I want you out of my life.
I want you to stay away.

What do you want to give me?
Absolutely nothing.I have no intention to teach you anything you need in your life.

Is there anything else you'd like to say to me?
If I had known how to abort my pregnancy, you wouldn't be here.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Rainbow Chakra Challenge: Red

Who are you?

I am the one who is fustrated.
I am the one who has a bleading heart.
I am the one with thorns in your life.

What do you want from me?

I want you to know I there is always
a Gardian Angel.
I want you to know not to fear to fall
down from the rope.

What do you want to give me?

I want to give you my promisse that
there is always a goddess of love to
show you the right way.

There are a few Dutch words:


Pampering Patty.

Who are you?

I am the one who wants to relax.
I am the one who wants to nourish 'me'.
I am the one who wants to take care of my body.
I am the one who wants to be happy.
I am the one who wants to eat healthy food.
I am the one who wants to exercise.

What do you want from me?

I want you to believe you are beautiful.
I want you to eat healthy food.

What do you want to give me?

I want to give you the idea how to nourish you.

Is there anything else you'd like to say to me?

I want us to sit in our meditationspace, lit a candle and meditate.I like doing that. We stopped doing that.

How will I remember?

See me, well taken care of.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Poem for a Coullage for the Soul Challenge

A word count up.

I made this count up as a challenge from the
Collage for the Soul group. As English is not
my first language I often use words, instead
of syllables, easier to count.

I made this count up for my Comfort Card
(Frieda Freedom). Count up from 1 till 9
syllables per sentence. I cheated and took

somebody hear
my loud scream.
Will somebody see the
tears in my sad eyes.
Can't they see I need love?
A big hug from my beloved ones!
Why is this life so hard for me?
Let me fly away to be that beautiful swan.

©Rita B. Fox, 19/o7/06

I know the answer, because I let it all happen.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Group

Recently I found a new group, just started, maybe their are people out there to help. To make this group a nice place as well to be.

Every group has a different approach I guess.

We might help Jacquie to have many activities,

Love and hugs,

Here is the link: