Sunday, July 16, 2006


This is for my daughter Didi who is 8 years old.

I am the one who loves you so much.
I am the one you want to pamper.
I am the one you call "my little princess"
I am the one you call "my pussycat"
I am the one you want to hug

I give you my love.
I give you my hugs.
I give you my smile

I want you to be happy.
I want you to be my best mommy.
I want to give you the best of me.

I called this card Sweetie Pie.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

GreenishLady said...

Rita, Your cards are wonderful. I like all four, but am really most struck by your Source card and the love shining out of this one for Didi. Beautiful. Welcome to the world of SoulCollage Blogging! Great to see more people joining in here.